A damp and dark start to the day. The cruise was easy — mostly straight and mostly high bridges. We made the best time so far, averaging nearly 10 knots compared to 6 or 7 on previous days.
We moved from the land of “MANSIONS” to a land of “mansions” and then to regular (albeit pretty wonderful) houses arranged ever so much closer together as we moved north.
I turned my attention to nature. Spotted an osprey and several pelicans and a small green heron (they are all small). Just as I mentioned that we hadn’t seen a dolphin, one surfaced a few feet from our port side. “Cue the dolphin!”
Drippy dinner. But a wonderful day.
And on another note…if you REALLY REALLY REALLY want to follow the journey, Cliff has set up a site that tracks us every 30 minutes (pretty boring I think — but for the geeks among us….go for it!) Here is the URL you need to copy into your browser:
I told you this was for geeks:-)

Happy Anniversary!
Bob & Julie