Maybe the most perfect morning we’ve had so far. Warm sun, soft breeze, no hurry, lovely surroundings. Coffee and Danish on the top deck. Very nice. The day had some surprises and some repeating themes: almost as soon as we got back on the ICW, we found ourselves in a mangrove area that could have been anywhere in the Keys. We spotted osprey nests in trees rather than marker buoys and saw huge fish leaping out of the water (or at least the splash that remained). That tranquil scene changed quickly, though, as we began to see marinas and boat storage yards along the shore, lots more people on the water, shorelines filled with beautiful houses and some not-so-beautiful condos squeezed in here and there. Our biggest surprise of the day was a misprint in the cruising guide we are using. It showed our next mooring spot (Stuart, FL) at statute mile 1007 and showed that we had to pass under 10 bridges along the way. We missed the marina by nearly 20 miles, but fortunately found another just a short distance and one bridge away (Palm Beach Gardens). We’ll know now to check details like “what day mark” or “what mile marker” as we make arrangements. Ironically, just after deciding to take fore and aft photos of our mooring spots, we landed at a marina that has a major condo construction project going on….and it’s our forward view. But the people are very nice, the ladder to their dock is easily climbed, facilities are clean and the view aft is perfect.