Kennedy Space Center is an amazing place. Visiting with a 10-year old is almost as amazing. Grandma is tired. You will have to visit to get the full experience. Here are some pictures.
Kennedy Space Center is an amazing place. Visiting with a 10-year old is almost as amazing. Grandma is tired. You will have to visit to get the full experience. Here are some pictures.
hi this is jassa. i had so much fun at the KSC. it was fun. we went on a rocket simulation. it was great but i thought it was going to fall down it was scary but fun. i also went down a slide that was to be like landing down in a rocket and then i touch a moon rock and saw a apollo 8 launcher it was a huge giant rocket. it was call saturn. now, you are asking jassa why do they call saturn? well, let me tell you the truth, i do not know! sorry! i also went to the gift shop and got a slap bracelet and 3 tshirts in a pack.
Grandpa and I had so much fun at Kennedy Space Center. Did all of the abbreviated names confuse you? KSC, SLS, REM, etc. etc. I wonder how the astronauts keep all of them straight!