Sunday, June 23 — And we’re off…..

Well, not quite. We arrived Friday and spent that afternoon, all of Saturday and most of today working.  Amazing (and tiring) how much work there is to get settled on-board. Schlepping ALL the stuff we brought from Coral Gables was the easy part. Figuring out where to put it was the challenge. And then there is that hide-and-seek game of looking into various storage spaces and finding all kinds of surprises. Who put the fire extinguisher in the closet? And why are there so many cleaning-polishing-stain removing-rinsing products tucked into buckets and cubby holes? You get the idea. We’re almost done!

Far from ship shape!
Coffee break!

Our new home port is Galesville, MD — a teensy village about 15 miles south of Annapolis. Dot.Calm is comfortable moored at Hartge Yacht Harbor, very sweet marina that’s run mostly by women. The GM is a woman, the service manager is a woman and the office is run by another woman. The service and attitude is a far cry from what we’ve experienced at various marinas in the Chicago area. Has anyone EVER gotten an email from Grant Crowley saying how much he likes to get notes from you?!

Nearly all of the work that we wanted done has been completed including a nifty automatic lifting system for access to the engine compartment. Cliff groused about how much it cost when he got the bill, but declared that it was the price and more once he tried it. I’ll try to get a photo next time he’s in the engine compartment.

First guests arrive Tuesday! Looking forward to some fun and leisurely days.

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