Dashing around to get things ship shape for Gary & Carolyn’s visit. Amazing how many things get moved from their nautical homes when you are living aboard. The wooden bowl we use for fruits & vegetables suddenly has a crop of pens, business cards, glass cases, odd bits of hardware and other debris taking up all of the room. The boxes of crackers and cookies, the chips, the mixed nuts….snack central!….haven’t been in their cupboards for quite a while.
With a space this small, all is cleaned, vacuumed, dusted and put away very quickly. We also needed to make a provision run which we did…only to find out that Maryland’s laws do not allow grocery stores to sell liquor. So much for REALLY provisioning.
Strolled up to old town Annapolis to see a Corvette show. Quite impressive, a whole block filled with Corvettes starting with the oldest (1957 I think) and proceeded up the block to new ones with price tags topping $100,000. The 1957 model cost something like $3,600 when it came off the assembly line. It’s worth $75,000 today.
Went to a late lunch as a great French restaurant, deciding to eat lightly on-board tonight. Great decision as the rain predicted for Monday showed up early and we would have been drenched going to and from dinner.
Monday arrived sunny and warm. Cliff whipped up breakfast (scrambled eggs with scallions and cheddar, breakfast sausages, cut up apples and grapes). We even had freshly baked biscuits (thank you Mr. Pillsbury). Nice start to the day.
Next on the agenda, a dinghy ride under the bridge and up the creek. Beautiful, large homes and lots of different boats. No camera:-( I’ll plan to take some tomorrow.
Walked to dinner at a restaurant across the river from us. A short walk and an even shorter dinghy ride. We should have taken the dingy. A few raindrops splattered as we reached the bridge…..which turned into a steady downpour by the time we got across (and it isn’t that long of a bridge….see it in above photo). We were drenched by the time we arrived but grateful we made it inside before the clouds opened up and poured water by the buckets. All of us were soaked, but only one of us looked (and felt) like a drenched cat. Yeowwwwl.
One of the things we’ve been amazed about….the number of new Annapolis Yacht Club facilities that are being built. We had lunch at the new clubhouse last week. They are also building a huge sailing center and another place on the river in Eastport (just over the bridge from Annapolis) plus a fancy floating building right next to where we are moored.
Tomorrow we are going to tour the U.S. Naval Academy.