There is something completely mesmerizing (and perhaps anesthetizing) about anchoring out. Even though there were plenty of other boats in our little cove off the Rhodes River, we still felt like we were completely alone. Left to our own devices, we are pretty good at…..doing absolutely nothing!
Well, that’s not exactly true. We swam. We took rides in the dingy. We cooked dinners. We read. We relaxed — a bunch! We had grilled Italian sausages and pesto one night and hot dogs and French potato salad the next — how international, don’t you think!?
Today we cruised the short distance to Annapolis. Lots of boats of every size and description including huge container ships waiting for their turn in Baltimore Harbor. It must be a long waiting list as we saw the same ships anchored when we crossed the Bay Bridge last Thursday.
Gary and Carolyn Kreutz join us tomorrow. We’d hope to find a place to go swimming….but the recent rains causing the release of some garbage into the Chesapeake has made the water a bit iffy. The dockmaster pointed out a creek within dingy distance that might work. I’ll let you know!