I wish I could send you a recording of the boat yard’s sighs and clanks and whistles and tinkles on a windy, gray and rainy day. I think the grayness of the day somehow amplifies the sounds or maybe it’s my imagination that makes them so soulful and sad. Maybe it’s how I feel about bad weather interrupting our dreamy days of cruising.

We skipped going to the beach on Sunday (bright perfect day) thinking that we’d have just a few locals on the narrow strip of sand on a Monday. Indeed, we would have had the whole place to ourselves. We skipped a dinghy ride too. Our friend Ron Greeley has a saying that applies: A pleasure postponed is a pleasure lost forever. (He also has a handy ur version: Anticipation increases appreciation.) I think I will embroider these sayings on a sampler:-)

So what do you do on an inside day? Read, watch TV (finished up re-watching Ken Burns’ Civil War series, finalized travel plans from Annapolis to CG and Chicago, knit (did you know I knit!!??) We walked through the drizzle to have lunch at Capsize and made it our meal of the day. Peach ice cream for dinner. That counts as a fruit, right?

Tomorrow’s weather looks better by afternoon so we’ll head to a nearby anchorage, determined to get in a swim AND a dinghy ride.
P.S. Radio silence for the next couple of days. “Anchoring out” means no wifi and no AT&T signal. Stand by!