A beeee-uuuuu-ti-ful day. Cool temperature. Light breeze. Sunshine sparks on the water. A cardinal calling from the bushes near the marina office.

Despite having about two months of cruising under our belt, I’m feeling like this segment of our trip is really what cruising is all about. We sort of had a schedule when we left Coral Gables on May 11 — “gotta be in Charleston by May 25!” And from Charleston the mission was to get to Washington DC by July 2 to have a couple days to prepare for our July 4 flight to California. But now….we really don’t have a schedule at all. We’ve got a very loose end date and “all the time in the world” to cruise.

Our navigation system has a nifty feature that I call “breadcrumbs” — it marks and remembers the boat’s path on each trip. In Marathon, the path between our house and various watering holes was pretty thick with them. But as we cruised down the Potomac there were only the tracks from our upriver trip. That made navigation pretty much of a snap since all we had to do was follow the breadcrumbs (and look out for logs!)
We are staying in Colonial Beach tonight. We stayed there on the way up. We are skipping the trolley:-)