June 28 — The Chesapeake we remembered

Today’s cruise was wonderful. A bit of a breeze. Not too hot. And best of all, not too choppy. We had a short 32-mile route around Stingray Point and into Wicomico River and then Ingram Bay. We were a tiny bit anxious about rounding the point as that is where the winds were highest — 13 mph down from 20 mph yesterday — but the wind direction was favorable and Dot Calm handled the light chop very well.

The waters were like those we remember from long ago houseboating adventures on the Chesapeake when the kids were little. We weathered a storm or two (and the perils of getting rescued by someone from the Coast Guard Auxillary!) but don’t remember having to deal with constant chop.

Who is that skinny guy at the helm?!


Today was great!  And the weather forecast suggests we’ll have more of the same in the coming days.

Winds continued to die down as we made our way to Reedville Marina.  The marina is basically a head wall that can accommodate 4-5 boats depending on their length. One of the boats that joined us was Winterlude and we enjoyed catching up with Janet and Larry whom we met in Oriental.  We needled them for not telling us about the chop on the Chesapeake and, ironically, they reported dealing with heavy chop for the last two days.

The highlight here is the Crazy Crab restaurant, about the only game in “town.” It was packed at 6:30pm and was still packed when we left around 7:30pm. Dinner was terrific. Wine selection, not so much.

The restaurant opens at 5pm and sets out flags for each of the armed forces on the dock every day.


The primary business here is a plant that makes some sort of fish goo for fertilizer. The winds were favorable:-)

Nah….I think the real highlight was the sunset.


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