June 13 – Cruisin’ Along

A beautiful day on the water.  Our route from Carolina Beach to Swansboro was pretty straightforward. We were alert to day mark numbering changes and checked that the entire route stuck to the “Red Left Leaving” rule. Of course, the powers that be can’t make it that simple, so they throw in some “other” markers just to make it interesting.

Confused? Don’t even ask what BC means. I haven’t a clue.


Do you know about Ralph Waldo Emerson’s theory of compensation? Well, we experienced it vis a vis “dining” in Carolina Beach. The ONLY restaurant even remotely close to us was described as a “burger place on the beach.” Sounds good….

The only restaurant within walking distance.
Terrific view, as advertised.
Photo taken before “dinner” was served. Water was the best option…no wine.
Pre-dinner photo….this Bud’s for Cliff!
We did NOT order blood worms.

Continue to see evidence of storm damage. Some of the wreckage looks old, so perhaps not Irma but some hurricane from the past. In Florida, there is an aggressive program of clearing abandoned boats. Not so much in South Carolina and North Carolina.

This wreck looked older than Irma to us. Maybe Matthew?
A shrimp boat perhaps. So close to operational businesses we were surprised.


4 thoughts on “June 13 – Cruisin’ Along”

  1. Two observations: Cliff is really perfecting an “old salt” look in this photo; seems he’s given up shaving! I’ll bet you picked up many decorating ideas for your condo at this lovely spot, High Tide Lounge; love the name.

    Keep up the posts; am really enjoying them & missing you both.

    1. Tsk. Tsk. You promised us all that you would work on your level of sarcasm:-)
      Yes…old salt is a good description.
      No….decorating tips.
      High Tide Lounge definitely suggested a different vibe. High Tide….YES. Lounge….NO! Miss you and Will too. Any chance of luring you to the Chesapeake??

  2. You are so right & I regret my unfortunate momentary lapse into s******.

    Although I promised myself to avoid airports forevermore after the nightmares of navigating huge European airports, I probably would renege on that promise too if it meant spending some time with you! Will continue to monitor your progress & consider a trip north to see you.

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